Sunday, February 05, 2006

Two Penisis!

Two Syrian tourists came to Faraya-Lebanon during winter, hired a ski instructor and learned how to ski.
The following year they decided that they enjoyed their vacation so much, they had to repeat it.
Being Syrians, they forgot everything they learned.
So they decided to hire the same instructor.
They started asking in Faraya who knows their instructor.
This was the conversation:
Faraya: what is his name?
2 Syrians: we can't remember.
Faraya: can u describe him?
2 Syrians: He wears ski cloth.
Faraya: but all ski instructors do that!
2 Syrians: He wears sun goggles.
Faraya: but all ski instructors do that!
2 Syrians: He has a sun tan.
Faraya: but all ski instructors have it due to the reflection of sun on ice!
The smarter Syrians: Oh I got it! He has 2 penises.
Faraya: How is this possible! Have u actually seen that?
The smarter Syrians: No, but every time we were with him, people kept asking him: KIF HAL AYRAIN MA3AK?

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