Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Vote Abul Meesh

A woman skiing in Faraya fell down on her butt and couldn’t stand up. For a couple of minutes people where passing by, but nobody helped or even bothered to ask if she was OK. Until Michelle Aoun was passing by so he stopped and helped her up and made sure that she was ok (Insen 3azeem Abul Meesh). She was so grateful and wanted to return the favor, so she asked him what she could do for him in return. He refused for a minute but she insisted, “well” said Aoun you could vote for me the coming elections? Well the woman paused for a second, looked at him with a surprised face, and said: Mr. Aoun “habibi inta” I only fell on my butt not on my head, good day!

Aouni Chicken

واحد عوني راح يشتري دجاجة
العوني: بدي شي دجاجة ع زوقك
ألبائع: بدك ياها قوات او عونية؟
العوني: اكيد عونية، ولو
بعد دقائق من التفتيش
ألبائع: هيدي دجاجة عونية يا إستاز
العوني: شكراًً، بس كيف عرفتا انا عونية؟
ألبائع: كلَون كانوا عم ياكلوا حبوب اللا هيدي كانت عم تاكل خرا